June 2023
Air Quality Updates (EST)
06/09/2023 10:00 AM
We’re in the Moderate levels of concern with current AQI around 60 and improving. [sources:,]
Air Quality Alerts for NYC are expected to be lifted today.
Conditions for tomorrow are looking good and we’re looking forward to riding with you!
06/08/2023 10:00 AM
Conditions are improving however are not great.
Current level is around 200 AQI [source:]
Predicted level for Saturday is 85 AQI [source:]
Stay tuned for future updates.
The ride as of this moment is still happening
06/07/2023 11:00 PM
Current level is ~250 AQI [source:]
Current levels are Very Unhealthy
Limit outside exposure and wear a high-quality mask–like an N95 or KN95 when outside.
Stay tuned for future updates.
06/07/2023 01:00 PM
The Air Quality alert is not preventing the ride from taking place. However, please note the following updates:
The Air Quality Alert is expected to be lifted on Friday, June 9th, according to Accuweather.
On June 10th, the Air Quality in NYC is forecasted to be 72 AQI (Poor) based on Accuweather DAILY FORECAST at the bottom of their page.
As of this update, the current AQI is 97.
For the most up-to-date information on Air Quality in NYC, please refer to Accuweather NYC Current Air Quality.
Stay tuned for future updates.